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My Li'l Focus:

Here's where I talk about me, me, and me. (if I even get to the 'me' part)

Tha name's smoothie, LSDsmoothie.

Old: I'm 20 years of age, which means: By the end of July, I'll have myself a premium seat
@ 'City Lights' AND a beer in muh hand.

New: I'm 22, now. I did, indeed, go get drunk on my 21st (which cost me $98.72 for the first bar's tab alone) with the help of my friends Spapal and Jeff. That was the last time I got drunk. My life's alot more lame, now.

Old: As far as looks go, I'm so white, 5 min. in the sun means an instant melanoma.

New: Spent all of this past summer painting apartments in 100+ degree heat. 10 hours a day. Not so melanin-challenged, anymore.

Old: I don't do much 'sides play Delta Force 2, Tribes 2, Counter-Strike, Unreal Tournament, and any other new game I can get my hands on.

New: Still playing Counter-Strike. That's about it for computer gaming. I definitely enjoy Gran Turismo 3, Smash Brothers: Melee, and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on the consoles. Also, eagerly awaiting the release of GT4.

Old: When I'm not doin' that crap, I'm breaking my PC - under the misguided notion that I might, actually, be able to fix it.

New: Still doing the same thing. Just a bit less often and, on occasion, I do the same for other people as well.

Old: Also, if I get enough sugar, caffeine, or time even, I'm likely to be found at the local arcade playing one of the games in the 'Dance Dance Revolution' series. (level 8-9 is it, for me)

New: I'm too f_cking old for that sh_t! *takes a nap*

Neve Campbell  (Party of Five - Scream Trilogy)

Instead of putting some gut-wrenching pic. of my Irish ass, I thought I'd put a little poon-tang up for y'all.
(Neve Campbell - for the idiots out there)

My Old PC:

AMD - K6-2 450mhz
PNY - 128mB pc100 SDram
Diamond - Monster Fusion 16mB AGP (RUN! RUUUUN!!!)
Maxtor - 6.4gB HD
Gigabye - Super 7 Series Mainboard w/ a paltry 100mhz FSB

My 'New' PC:

AMD - Duron 1.3ghz
Kingston - 256mB pc133 SDram
Hercules - 3D Prophet 64mB 8x AGP
Maxtor - 30gB 7200rpm HD
MSI - Something-or-Other (threw away all boxes when we moved)

Not a HUGE fan of movies, but some of my favorites are:
The Matrix(s) - Especially Three!
Ice Pirates
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Wild Things
The Abyss
Memphis Belle
Ghost in the Shell
Wrath of the Ninja
Ninja Scroll
The Evil Dead Series
Run Lola Run
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Bringing Down the House (seriously)

And, actually, alot more that must've fallen-out on the road, back there...

There is no way in HELL that I'm listing all my favorite bands, suffice it to say that I like just about everything...
The A*Teens
The Klubbingman, and the Wu Tang Clan.
Iced Earth
Fear Factory, and Iron Maiden.